Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Rosemary Ellen Guiley – The Art of Practical Magic



Author Rosemary Ellen Guiley explains how we can use "practical magic" to positively influence our lives Psychic ability. There are those who feel we all have it - to some extent. But if we do, then how can we make good use of it? I took this question to a frequent guest of Higher Journeys and author of Guide to Psychic Power, Rosemary Ellen Guiley. According to Rosemary, we can use our psychic faculties to glean answers to big questions, repair our health, and even improve our finances. But are there any secrets to know in the process of effectively utilizing our psychic senses? Indeed, practical magic is an art form - a means by which to conjure answers and solutions from a realm just outside of our world of limits and predictability. The biggest secrets to opening this doorway may just be right within our reach. Let's find out what Rosemary had to say. Access this episode on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oggWtuHdX2c Relevant links from this episode: Article: Manifestation of Desires - Med