Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Magical Practices and the Power of Imagination



In my recent interview with paranormal researcher Rosemary Ellen Guiley we tackled the subject of practical magic; essentially utilizing our psychic faculty to shift the circumstances of our lives. We both agreed that the faculty exists for everyone, and can indeed be effectively utilized when practiced on a regular basis. I’ve always had a fascination with our innate psychic ability. Having witnessed my own occasional head scratching moments - a precognition, intuition, or an inexplicable synchronicity, I’ve never doubted that what really drives reality is an unseen and unlimited force that lies as much within us as “outside of us.” Rosemary and I covered a range of practices and exercises one might utilize to, as she put it, “strengthen the psychic muscle,” but one area we didn’t get into (that is until we went off the air), and that is the power of imagination and improvisation in magical and psychic practice. When I asked her to give me her thoughts on the role imagination plays in the effectiveness of m