Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

The War on Consciousness: Our World is Evil, Beautiful.



Like it or not, we are in the middle of an all out war on consciousness. But which side will win? Talk about a dichotomy - we're playing out both good and evil in ways unimaginable these days. Have you ever wondered why the media (MSM) barrages the newscast with the ugliest, nastiest, and wickedest of stories? Forget the old news adage, "If it bleeds, it leads." As I said in my interview with veteran news man Dan Rather, "These days, if it doesn't bleed, it doesn't make the cut!" I know, the "savvy" know that good news doesn't sell. I beg to differ. Moreover, good news seems to be at a premium these days, or so the media would have you think. The fact is, that good news and "bad" news are running neck-in-neck, battling for airtime (oxygen) - duking it out in an all out war on consciousness. Here's a website that I recently found, determined to find some news of the altruistic kind while preparing for this latest episode of Conscious Commentary... SunnySkyz.com is a portal dedicated to the whimsical, a