Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

UFOlogy, Disclosure, and Why We’re Barking Up the WRONG Tree!



Question: "WHEN are we going to Wake Up?" For anyone who follows the latest “news” within the Ufology community, no doubt you’re aware of the recent controversy surrounding several prominent “public figures,” in the field, and the uptick in questioning the validity of their story(s), and how this has called into question the true motivation of some of these individuals for promulgating what appear to some to be far out claims. And where you might think that this post and accompanying (little) commentary are meant to add to the thread of criticism about such claims (either for or against), it is not. This is about public perception and the willingness and desperation to hang their hats on what someone has told them rather than seeking truth for themselves. For this, the focus in NOT about whether what certain individuals are saying is true or not (though certainly any proliferation of un-truths should never be condoned nor tolerated.) - Note that I have and will not proffer any opinion on these matters. Becau