Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Is There More to the Fake Meme Than Meets the Eye?



Suddenly the world’s gone fake - A look at what may be real-ly going on When something comes out of nowhere and suddenly ends up everywhere, something else is going on. - David Icke Fake is the new real-ity. I for one have found this burgeoning meme, famously attributed to the allegation of spreading "fake news" quite fascinating. But not for reasons you might imagine. Sure, many of us are aware of how easy it is to get the masses to parrot words,  mimic acts, and integrate behavioral trends once unleashed by the architects of cult-ure.  But have you ever asked why there's such a push in a given direction? In other words, what's the "end game?" This is a question I posed to myself while watching the swift proliferation of fake this, fake that, fake ____________ (fill in the blank). I became acutely aware how frequent the word had become woven into all sorts of media sound bites, not the least of which is the now notorious "fake news." Here are some recent headlines: Kenya election: BBC targeted by fake N