Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Adventures with Non Human Intelligence from Our Audience



Is Interaction with non human intelligence on the rise? How does contact with non human intelligence happen? Is there a prototype for these otherworldly encounters? Or might they be coming in through a variety of channels? Today’s guests are audience members of Higher Journeys who reached out to express an interest in being on the show to share their unique and very different contact experiences. Stephanie from Kansas City Missouri describes her encounters as coming through the creative channel in something called process painting (see some of her incredible images below). While Jason from New York City says his multiple manifestations of orb like phenomena happen almost on a daily basis and are triggered through intense meditation and something known as the CE-5 Protocol. Two very different accounts, but seemingly one fundamental reality: We are connecting with a broader spectrum of intelligent life. Bottom line, more and more "everyday people" are claiming contact with non human intelligence through myri