Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Jim Marrs, The “Missing” Bridge, and the True Nature of Time



 How thoughts about Jim Marrs and a missing time experience came together in perfect symmetry As synchronicity would have it, I had two predominant thoughts on my mind just before retiring to bed last night: The passing of Jim Marrs and the fact that I didn't as yet have a subject to discuss for the next episode of Conscious Commentary. Here's where the synchronicity comes in... Just before waking up this morning while in what I'd call a "twilight" state of sleep, I heard in my mind, simply "Time." And then another word: "Emit." And then the realization that emit is simply time spelled backwards. The download continued: "Reference these two ideas (time and emit) with the recent experience of missing time you had just last weekend." (which I will explain during this episode). I quickly got out of bed, got dressed - morning coffee in hand, scrambling to make sure I would not forget these ideas, fearing that this serendipitous stream of consciousness would flee my mind as quickly as it came in. Jim Marrs, 1943