

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Eric Geiger, Todd Adkins, and Daniel Im begin a series of discussions on recruiting volunteers. During their conversation, they discuss the following questions: Why do so many churches feel like they never have enough leaders? What do we mean by recruiting? Why is recruiting important to leadership development? What are some common mistakes to recruiting? Whose job is it to recruit volunteers? BEST QUOTES “How do you grab people who haven’t bought into the vision of the local church to the extent that they are going to volunteer and give time to this grand mission?” “Whatever your culture currently is, you are basically training your church to be that. If you are always looking for leaders, if you always have a dumpster fire every Saturday, it’s going to be really hard to break out of that until you can shift that mindset and that culture. Especially if you’ve chosen to buy leaders instead of build them.” “There is a theological issue, that