

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Daniel Im complete the series on recruiting volunteers with a discussion on how to onboard new volunteers. During their conversation, they discuss the following questions: How important is it to onboard volunteers well? How important are clearly articulated vision and values to an onboarding process? How do you audit the elements your onboarding process? Where can I find some of these tools? What are some practical immediately applicable ways you can improve your onboarding this week? BEST QUOTES “You have either cast vision and inspired a person to be in a volunteer position or you have guilted them to be in a volunteer position. Either way you want to ‘wow’ them by being clean and clear.” “You can’t onboard a person through an email or an information sheet.” “It is very important to have people imbedded in each ministry area whose role is taking someone through the onboarding process.” “It’s always best to recruit to visio