

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Eric Geiger are joined by Jon Acuff, author of Finish. During their conversation, they discuss curating ideas to be a better leader and vulnerability. BEST QUOTES “Perfectionists would rather get a zero than a C. They are an all or nothing people.” “If I tell you my goal the wrong way, I’m less likely to do it.” “Social media gives you the high of accomplishing something you haven’t accomplished.” “Sometimes perfectionism is pretending you don’t have faults or admitting the safe ones.” “You should be fully vulnerable as a leader with a small group of people who can tell you the truth and say that’s not right.” “Surround yourself with people whose livelihood isn’t dependent on you, because they can only tell you a percent of the truth.” “I want my leadership impact to be that people would try things they didn’t think they could do.” “Your character impacts your skills and impacts your job.” “If you are a leader, you need to be an id