

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Daniel Im are joined by Ed Stetzer, co-host of New Churches podcast. Ed holds the Billy Graham Chair of Church, Mission, and Evangelism at Wheaton College and serves as Executive Director of the Billy Graham Center. During their conversation, they discuss being a successful leader of a large team and aggressive time management. BEST QUOTES "The more I grow in the leadership roles that I'm doing, the more I need to learn from sources that think about leadership in our culture, and simultaneously the more I need to grow in my own spiritual formation." "The Bible is not a leadership handbook. There are leadership examples in the Bible. The Bible is the story of God's redemptive plan." "As I learn to be a better leader, I also need to learn to be a servant and one who loves Jesus more everyday and is growing in my knowledge of Him." "I've got to move from being an effective executive to now building an effective senior leadership team of ef