

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Daniel Im are joined by Annie F. Downs, podcast host and bestselling author of Remember God. During their conversation, they discuss how she keeps her relationship with God as the priority in her life and the importance of taking care of yourself to be able to fulfill the mission God has for you. BEST QUOTES "I want my readers to feel pastored." "Anyone can teach you how to shoot up like a firework, but fireworks explode and disappear. I want someone to teach my how to finish the race." "I have learned in the last year the discipline of prayer and the power of prayer in ways I never have before." "The presence of God is the gas that keeps this thing going." "Prayer and time in the presence of God are the two things that are going to help us finish well." "Does this feel like something your friend would say if you were sitting across the table having coffee?" "My leadership emphasis is a personal relationship with God. Do you believe