

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Daniel Im are joined by Caleb Kaltenbach, pastor and author of Messy Grace and God of Tomorrow. During their conversation, they discuss the following questions: What was it like to be raised by LGBTQ parents? How does this affect your marriage and parenting today? How does your personal story affect your everyday leadership and the lens in which you view leadership? Why do you think churches are so reluctant to engage the LGBTQ community? What are some things you teach churches to navigate through this issue? BEST QUOTES  “At the age of 16, I had never set foot in a Christian household before.” “The more that I learned, the more that I studied, the more that I saw that Jesus was different.” “I find myself having to be really intentional about what I say to my kids, how I tell them to love people, but at the same time hold firmly to their biblical convictions.” “I wanted the book to be about how to empathetically love people