

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Daniel Im are joined by Eric Geiger, former cohost of 5LQ and senior pastor of Mariners Church. During their conversation, they discuss leading in the workplace and in the home amidst change. BEST QUOTES  “Vision is always associated with change." "How do we articulate the vision as being an overflow and next iteration in the life of Mariners, as opposed to feeling like this hard right turn?" "We were used to being a small team with one emphasis and now we have to be more sophisticated in thinking about how all the things we've started point back to our purpose?" "How do you make the shift from seeing yourself as the hero to seeing yourself as the hero maker?" "If I'm not daily taking in articles or books, I am not going to be leading to my full potential." "Seeing my girls see how God is in the middle of things is really fun." "It's been interesting to see how my wife has come alive since she has this new purpose." "I wonder what's