

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Chandler Vannoy are joined by Andrew Peterson, musician and author. They discuss the following questions: What is a conflict or failure that has benefited you in your leadership?Who or what has been the greatest leadership influence in your life?What book would you gift yourself as a young leader?If you could teach any course on any topic, what would it be?When you look at from a Scriptural stand point and from who we are as being created in the image of God, what does that mean? BEST QUOTES "There is a tendency in our current climate to be really afraid of being wrong and it can make you second guess everything.""Being wrong is one of the best things you can be, and what I mean by that is that being wrong forces you to experience mercy and humility and teaches you how to ask for forgiveness.""The thing that is way better than getting it right every time is being humble enough to know that you can't get it right every time.""Tippi