

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Chandler Vannoy are joined by Larry Osborne, author and teaching pastor at North Coast Church. They discuss succession planning and how people choose to live in echo chambers. BEST QUOTES "There are no good transitions, there are only good people.""Godly people can make weird structures work, even co-pastoring.""When you have goals you immediately move to metrics, and when you move to metrics you artificially try to reach them.""God does not give me a flock, he gives me to a flock.""It's not a trick to explode in growth, it's a trick to be healthy.""We choose the world we live in informationally.""We need to have a true kingdom mindset to reach our communities like we never have before.""The absolutely predictable fruit of a culture in which everything is have it your way is everybody is different.""The weekend service is simply a catalyst for discipleship.""The only legacy you have is with your spouse, your children, your closest fr