Live Rich

How To Be A Super Achiever



Learn six stragegies that will help you consistently achieve a higher level of performance and have you functioning to your fullest postential, so that you too can live rich. See the full post and video here:  Summary: Don’t fall into the trap of thinking your “peak” days are behind you or that you’re “waiting” to hit your potential. Achieving greatness on a consistent basis is attainable through conscious thought and action at any stage in your life. The ability to be at your peak at all times is what it means to be a super-achiever. It’s not about perfection but about excellence. Clarity of your vision and goal is the foundation of your inevitable success. But in order to reach it, you need to have a plan of action. In this article I am sharing six strategies to boost your performance so that you maintain higher levels of achievement on a long-term basis. These strategies consist of:  having the flexibility to take on different perspectives and approach problems from another angle; chan