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Stay Open To Change



Being open to change isn’t an excuse to not plan or to think ahead of what will happen with your customers over time. It merely means being adaptable and willing to revisit your plans based upon changing conditions on the ground.  The prospect of change can be daunting. But by maintaining a flexible spirit and curious attitude toward how new changes will shake out, you will ensure that your head isn't buried in the sand, keeping you open to new opportunities and ahead of the competition. View the full post and video here:  Summary: Are you coasting along on your success? Or are you continually upgrading your skills and knowledge to take advantage of new opportunities? Change can be scary, but continuing to adapt and evolve along with the times is a prerequisite for success.  Too many of us only see fear and uncertainty when we hear the word “change”, rather than seeing all of the ample opportunities that abound as well. The pace of technology and legislation can make it hard to keep up