Live Rich

Making The Most Of Your Downtime



It's important to recognize the need to recharge once in a while and allow yourself the bennefit of some downtime. but if you love what you do for a living and abhor the thought of nothing but idleness,there are a number of strategies you can use to stay productive and on target while you are on vacation. Here are some best practices for how you can use your leisure and vacation time to continue to work toward your vision, while still enjoying fun with your loved ones. View the full post and video here: Summary: We all need time to relax and recharge if we want to maintain our energy and focus over the long haul. But time off doesn’t need to be time lost. There are plenty of ways to enjoy a respite from the office while still growing your inspiration and focus to  meet your goals. If carried out properly, you may find that there are few tangible differences between work time and vacation if you truly love what you do. There are a number of people for whom time away from working har