Preston Smiles's Podcast

It's OK to not be ok



Trying to get rid of the pain only magnifies it. Guys, it is okay not to be okay. One of the things that I want to nail home for all of us is that we live in a society where we try to hurry up and fix things. We try to hurry up and get out of things and that works in many places. It’s great that our reptilian brain fixes things and creates buildings and cars and all of these things but it does not work when it comes to personal development. It does not work when it comes to healing your life and living life at a 10. Now, take this ride with me for a second. Imagine and I know you’ll never probably ever have this happen but just go there with me. Imagine that you’re stuck in quick sand and there’s no trees, no ropes, nobody there to come and save you. What do you do? Most humans, myself included before I really got what I’m explaining, will try to struggle their way out. “Help, let me out of here. I’m dying.” The thing about quick sand is that the more you struggle the further you go down. The more you try to