Rv Maintenance Tips And Information For The Diy

↓Episode 78 – Are RV Awning Parts Interchangeable Between Brands?



In episode 78 Eric discusses how interchangeable RV awning parts are. It's been tough finding the proper parts for your RV due to covid-19 and Eric has been asked a lot recently what if any parts are interchangeable when it comes to RV awnings. You'll learn what parts are okay to swap and what parts are not recommended to force together. He'll go over motors, arms, and fabrics in detail so you know exactly what to do for your specific situation. Since parts are becoming scarce now is a good time to become well informed on proper protocol when it comes to replacing parts on your RV awning. Stay safe everyone and thank you for listening! Please subscribe, rate, and share if you enjoy! RV Parts & Accessories: https://arizonarvpartscenter.com/ (https://arizonarvpartscenter.com/) Our Sunshade Products: https://sunpromfg.com/ (https://sunpromfg.com/) Support this podcast