Hero Entrepreneurs With Dino Herbert

Escape The Cubicle-How 2 Leave Your Job 4 Something Better



Hate your Job?  Then maybe you should quit your job.  Mark Anthony Germanos started his first business in 1997 and admits that business ownership is not for wimps. He moved from Chicago to California in 2000 and restarted his business with a cell phone and a Honda Civic. Mark is a 1989 graduate of Michigan State University. Mark believes we are always learning. An active triathlete, he has a life, a dream wife and a dog. His book, "Escape the Cubicle" will show you how to quit and transfer smoothly into a career you enjoy. Mark will also discuss how using the "cloud" can be beneficial to your small business. For more information, go to: http://www.markanthonygermanos.com or http://www.CameronParkComputer.com