Court Leader's Advantage

Local Courts: Their Complex Issues And How Are They Solving Them?



Court Leader’s Advantage Podcast: January 2021 Episode When we talk about the challenges confronting America’s judicial branch, we often focus on the concerns and accomplishments of large metropolitan courts. After all, they are often the ones that have more money and more resources to throw at a problem.  However, a survey conducted several years ago, revealed that almost 65% of all courts in the United States had benches of fewer than four judges. In a large portion of our country, these local suburban and often rural jurisdictions, these local courts are the representative of the judicial branch.  How are these local courts solving their problems? How are they coping with the issues of the day with less staff, less money, often shared facilities, and frequently government entities that are somewhat less respectful of the court as being a separate branch of government? This month we have invited clerks of court and court administrators of one and two judge courts around the country to chat about t