Abiding Together

S08 Episode 05: The Power of Poverty, the Beauty of Mercy - Part 1



In this episode we begin a two part podcast with our friend Fr. Mark-Mary of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (CFR)! In part 1, Fr. Mark-Mary shares his journey from growing up in a wealthy family to joining the CFR’s and taking a vow of radical poverty. He talks about his love for the sacrament of confession and shares how spiritual poverty makes room for God to be a Father to us and show us His love and providence. We often spend so much energy hiding our weakness, but freedom is to be found when we allow God and others to love us in our littleness. Fr. Mark Mary’s one thing - Be mindful of the poor - Galatians 2:10 Sister Miriam’s one thing - Today If You Hear Him - Taylor Leonhardt Michelle’s one thing - The Saint Story Cards of Mother Teresa, St. John Paul II, St. Therese of Lisieux, and St. Francis of Assisi created by Greenhouse Collective, The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and Our Sunday Visitor Heather’s one thing - The Dumpster Fire and the Garden - Brad Montague Heather’s other one thing -