Abiding Together

S08 E14: Advent Part 3: Warrior Mother



In this episode, we continue our four part Advent series on the nature and character of Mary, our Mother. We discuss the call for women to be tender and strong, to fight for those we love with the power of the feminine genius. We chat about the tender strength required to watch Jesus suffer and die and the importance of trust, surrender and strength submitted under the will of God. Mary is offering her motherhood to us if we are willing to receive her invitation of protection. Michelle’s one thing - In Full Boom - Claire Swinarski Michelle’s other one thing - Rekindled - Mallory Smyth Sister Miriam’s one thing - Essays on Women - Edith Stein. ENDOW also created an online study on these writings that you can purchase online here. Heather’s one thing - Watching epic movies like Gladiator and Braveheart with her family  Discussion questions:     What struck you from this week’s episode? How can we invite Mary into our lives as a real person, more than just a statue in our church or a figure of piety in the Bib