Abiding Together

S09 E05: St. Joseph: With A Father’s Heart



In this episode, we focus on the patron of the universal Church, St Joseph. Since Pope Francis has declared this as the “Year of St Joseph”, we desire to uncover the gift of this humble and faithful adoptive father of Jesus. We discuss Joseph as a tender, loving Father who shows us that God can use our frailty and weakness to bring about great things for the Kingdom. We consider how in the face of disappointment, Joseph chose to surrender and continue to give his daily fiat. We pray that you would allow Joseph to take you into his home as he does with Mary and be open to the healing God wants to work in your heart this year. Sister Miriam’s one thing - Dear Father: A Message of Love for Priests - Catherine De Hueck Doherty  Heather’s one thing - Recipe for baked black pepper ranch chicken fingers Michelle’s one thing - Becket Wants to Be a Priest - Matt Regitz Discussion questions:     What struck you from this week’s episode? How can we model St. Joseph’s love for the people dearest to us in our life - not