Gaps Diet Journey

Lauren Healing from Ulcerative Colitis on GAPS Diet



Lauren from Empowered Sustenance is following a combination of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet to heal Ulcerative Colitis. Lauren was on medication for five years and after a period of stress in her life decided to make some changes. She has already seen many of her symptoms completely vanish and feels joyful in life because she is in control of her health.  Lauren blogs at Empowered Sustenance where she shares delicious and inventive recipes which are nut-free, grain-free and sugar-free. You can find Lauren on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.GAPS is the acronym for the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Nutritional Protocol founded by Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride which is healing children with autism and other disorders and adults are finding relief and healing from  common maladies.  Your host Starlene Stewart blogs about her journey at GAPS Diet Journey and you can find her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.