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Quin Thomson - Episode 2



Episode #2: Quin ThomsonA musicmaker who truly defies categorisation, Quin Thomson has encompassed many musical identities including singer, contemporary composer, musical director and educator. They are currently based in Hobart, where they direct the Tasmanian Youth Orchestra choir, and lead the baroque chamber ensemble Sequenza Quartet. In 2018, they composed the groundbreaking work addressing colonisation and reconciliation the Tasmanian Requiem, and have had a wildly diverse, exciting, and international musical journey, navigating genres from Early Music and Baroque all the way to the avant-garde. Across both music and life, Quin and Teddy discuss themes including queerness and identity, historically-informed performance, and what it means to bridge both contemporary and early music genres. Join Quin and Teddy live for the musical sequel to this interview with a full-length feature broadcast on Melbourne in Concert at 6PM Sunday 25 October, only on 3MBS Fine Music Melbourne. Coming up next on the podcast