Film Scores

Brown and Breen - Episode 4



Brown & Breen are an Australian piano duo who have shared their passion for Australian music from the Sydney Opera House to the concert halls of Boston, Bonnie Brown and Louisa Breen have toured Australian piano music and worked with some of the most iconic composers of our time. They get together, from Paris and Melbourne respectively, to chat about the challenges of piano performance, their love for Australian music, and their latest projects, in this interview with Teddy Darling. Join Bonnie, Louisa, and Teddy live for the musical sequel to this interview with a full-length feature broadcast of piano music by Brown & Breen on Melbourne in Concert at 6PM Sunday 6 December, only on 3MBS Fine Music Melbourne. Coming up next in the Musicmakers series, Teddy Darling meets 15-year old violist Jamie Miles - the first in a two-part episode special covering Jamie and Charlotte Miles, unpacking the challenges and opportunities of being youth musicmakers and a performance duo. *** Bonnie’s music recommendati