Shot By Brock

Ep. 48 Chris Manning: Everything Is Going To Be Alright



Should we try to fix the world? Make it better tomorrow than it was yesterday? Should we try to fight what we perceive to be immoral actions and systems, injustices, to create a fairer, more compassionate world? And what does that fight look like? Is it a tick in the box of democracy? Is it taking to the streets to make our voices heard? Is it smashing those institutions that we perceive to be facilitating inequality, shouting in the faces of those who disagree? Is it to rage against this system that seems to serve some so well, while failing others so obviously? Or is it about choose to be the change we want to see in the world? Is it about raising our own standards and finding our own peace, so that the world itself, as corrupt and broken as it might seem, doesn’t corrupt and break us? How do we even know that our values – our politics, our beliefs, our own understanding of right and wrong, of fair and unfair – are even correct? How can we assume that we’re not the bad guys? The road to hell is, as they say