Geeky Girl Gab

Star Wars Rewatch: The Empire Strikes Back



The Geeky Waffle (Candace and Bri) is joined by our guest Ty from WTForce to discuss Candace’s favorite movie ever, The Empire Strikes Back. We discuss everything from the underrated friendship of Han and Luke and how Han talks like a scoundrel but ends up walking the walk of a hero to how the amazing Carrie Fisher edited her own lines and helped develop the character of Leia. Of course, we gab about why exactly Empire Strikes Back is the best movie and really get into the whole Han and Leia romance vs. the romance between Anakin and Padme; and how or if that romance was changed now knowing that Carrie and Harrison had an affair. Lastly, we consider what it would be like if Leia was trained as a Jedi instead of Luke, how and why Yoda wanted to train her and the Marvel Comics what if series: Star Wars infinity; what if Luke died on Hoth and Leia was trained. Join us as we take a drive into this movie, our passion about these characters and this particular movie could lead us to discussing it for hours - trust