Green Gab Podcast – Green Homes, Green Living And Green Companies

What Goes IN Your Home: What To Think About, What to Look For, What to Choose



I’m Marla, The Green Home Coach. I’m back today with another chapter from my book, Living Green Effortlessly: Simple Choices for a Better Home.  I wrote the book to help you and share some of my experiences so that you won’t have to make the same mistakes that I was making.  Our homes have a secret life that we may not even know about as a result of all the complexities of our modern lifestyle. You could unknowingly be living in a home that is not in your best interest, and it could be making you sick. We will be covering chapter four of my book today. It talks about some actions that we can take to change some small stuff in our homes. We will be looking at what goes in your home, what you need to think about, what you need to look for, and what you need to choose.  Choices Many of the choices you need to make are inside your home. They are the more decorative elements and the fixtures and fittings that you choose. What the things in your house are made up of The things in your house are made out of wood, me