Kristi Borst

We are Each Important Pieces in the Puzzle of Life with guest Fran Caproon, Intuitive Communicator and Awesomism Certified Practitioner Perspective Reboot&174; with Kristi Borst. Will you heed the gentle call for so



Many people are labeled as having a "disability" when they cannot fully engage in the "3D Game" school, job, home, family, stress, etc.. Yet, for me, intentionally releasing many of the boundaries and parameters of the 3D Game, has brought a stronger connection to my Higher Self, greater joy, and a life filled with miracles. Majority may rule; but majority is not always most closely in counsel with the Divine. I can easily understand the importance YES IMPORTANCE to the rest of us, collectively, of our family members, friends and associates who are unable to fully engage in the 3D Game due to Autism, sensitivities, "spectrum variations" and other "disabilities". Gifted intuitive communicator, Fran Caproon who works with non-verbal children and adults will be joining me . Fran shares "I feel these dear hearts are here to assist humanity 'us' to embody the change into one of caring with more love-based choices..." You may never use the word "disabilities" again At the bottom of the hour, Kristi offered an abbre