Shot By Brock

Ep 10. Self Portrait: Chris Brock – Do The Thing, Have The Power



Life is so unfair. That’s what I thought, anyway. I’d kept my head down, worked so hard, and did exactly what I was supposed to do. And while everyone around me seemed to be enjoying there rewards, I was still waiting for mine. It felt like an all-time low. I was getting up before dawn to deliver groceries to people, and feeling pretty sorry for myself. I never saw my wife, I could barely make ends meet. I was bitter and angry. But every day, as I drove my van from town to town, I got a glimpse behind closed doors into the lives of others. With every delivery I made I learned something. And I realised that while I was waiting for life, life was waiting for me. I learned a lot driving that van. Now my life is very different, overflowing with happiness and joy. And I wrote it all in my book. I talk about it more on my blog - - and on this latest episode of my podcast, which is just me rambling on for fifteen minutes about the journey I've