Shot By Brock

Ep. 21 Dr. Maggie Gilewicz: How To Make Sure Your Life Doesn't Suck.



There is only this present moment. Our entire life – indeed the entire history of time – is made up of a long series of present moments. But we can only exist, and live, and take action, in one moment at a time.  And then we find ourselves in the next moment. And the one after that. And in each moment, we have a vast array of choices. We can choose action or inaction (though inaction is still an action of sorts). We can choose love or fear. We can choose cowardice or courage. We can choose vanilla or chocolate chip. We can choose to get up when the alarm goes off, or to hit snooze. We can choose a life that happens to us, or for us. Fundamental to all of these choices is our perspective. Do we choose an ‘outside in’ perspective, where we are subject to our circumstances, to the things that happen to us, to all the things that are beyond our control? Or do we choose an ‘inside out’ perspective, where we understand that our situation, our circumstances, and our view of reality, are based largely on how we p