Shot By Brock

Ep. 26 Jason Garner: Life Talks To Us. It Grows From A Whisper To A Smack In The Head.



We experience our own lives in high definition.  The frustration when we’re already running late, and we can’t find our keys. The moment of irrational hurt when we allow a throwaway comment from a friend to get under our skin. The dissatisfaction of not being where we want to be in life. The taste of that first cup of coffee in the morning. Those sounds and smells that remind us of holidays. This vast patchwork of feelings, emotions, sensations, macro and micro, makes up our lives. Birth and death, television and toothpaste, allergies and habits, sorrow and joy. Such an intricate mesh of details that only we are aware of. Because when we see other people, we see them in low definition. What they say and what they do. We don’t see the nuance, the daily battles, the struggles and the confusion, the same things we enjoy and endure day to day, and minute to minute. This makes it easy to judge others, and hard to be compassionate. It makes celebrities the target of cruel attention when they reveal themselves