Shot By Brock

Ep. 42 Gregg Eisenberg: There Are No Answers, And That's Ok



Attachment is suffering, and often the more attached we get to things, the smaller and difficult it can be to find peace in our lives. There’s so much we want that we can’t have, so much we have that we don’t want, and so much we are that we don’t want to be. We become attached to these ideas of how we are supposed to live, what life is supposed to be like, and what our values are supposed to be, that when things don’t fall into alignment with these ideas, we become uncomfortable. And guess what – that is most of the time. We are supposed to be slimmer, taller, wealthier, happier. The news fills us with angst and anger. We can’t have the fast cars and the big houses. There’s no justice in the world, and our governments are corrupt. How on Earth are we supposed to find peace with all of this going on? The problem is, we are addicted to certainty and absolutes. Absolutes of what is good, bad, fair and worthy. But there are no absolutes. And it is our attachment to these imaginary, impossible notions that c