Shot By Brock

Ep. 46 Krish Shrikumar: Meditation, Technology, And Escaping To Presence



We spend so much time in the future. Working towards goals and dreams, trying to meet our targets and KPIs. Deadlines, to-do lists, showing that we're good enough, worthy enough, capable enough. Or we find ourselves stuck in the past. Worrying about the things we said or did. Haunted by trauma, regret, anger or bitterness. Alternatively we're lost in our phones, absorbed into media, our attention drawn to the agendas of others, feeding the attention economy and the outrage economy. Manipulated, exploited, our eyeballs and brainwaves somewhere else, belonging to someone else. But we live right here, in this present moment. This is where we are, and as long as we're either in the past or the future, we're fighting against reality. Because the past if fixed, the future hasn't happened yet, the only place where we can be, do, live, is now. Meditation and mindfulness are buzzwords of the moment. They often seem woo-woo, or naive or impractical, but in a world that not only feeds off our anxiety and our dissatisfac