Heart Filled Holidays

Home Movies ~ Guest: Rhonda Vigeant



We're having a little chat about our favorite things, or at least one of my favorite things, a cherished family tradition. We'll take a peek at some time saving dinner ideas and a helpful reminder or two that will let us enjoy each day of December a little bit more. Rhonda Vigeant will join us to talk about our home movies. She's an expert on helping us get the most out of these wonderful treasures. We'll be looking into the best way to generate, store and share movies as well as how to share movies with friends and family. We'll talk about using our home movies for healing and even and Rhonda's tip on how we can use them to generate a little money. Finally, we'll wrap things up in Christmas Corner - literally we'll be talking about wrapping gifts. Plus we'll take a peek at last minute decorating tips and an upcoming treat to help you through the rest of the season.