Heart Filled Holidays

Wrap It Up ~ Guest: Melody Miller



We're going to have some fun this week, starting with your family dinners. We have ideas to make the family table easier and more fun. You'll get topics to talk about along with a couple conversation-starter questions you can use. Plus Sandy's sharing one of her Emergency Meals that you can use for last minute dinners. Melody Miller is joining us to add some fun to our gift wrap. She'll be sharing ideas from her book Ruby Star Wrapping: Creating Packaging to Reuse, Regive, and Relove where she inspires you to think resourceful, think reusable, think unusual when it comes to gift packaging. She'll show you how to raid the pantry for boxes, use old linens, and make beautiful accessories out of fabric and paper scraps. You'll learn how to create beautiful, reusable packaging from the common materials in your home. And in Christmas Corner we'll be looking at ways to give special gifts by thinking local.