Dr. Lisa Gives A Sh*t

DLG260 Ben Louis, former RFB host is on the cusp of living his dream!



This is the third year in a row that Ben has been my first guest of the year. Ben is 30 now, and if you follow Ben's story, this year is a triumph! Through hard work and going back to school, Ben has taken his beginnings as a volunteer at Radio Free Brooklyn 3 years ago to a dream job at Sirius XM. Recently, Ben was actually one of 4 people from Sirius to be on a Zoom with LL Cool J! Although personally I am sad to have seen Ben leave RFB for a great career move, I am secretly proud and THRILLED. But that's not all, Ben has improved his relationship with his family and "the ladies." Ben is in a healthy, supportive relationship which he is very satisfied and happy in. It is nice, (inspiring, really!) to see someone progress in their life in such a positive way, through their own honest hard work and efforts, But let's not get too idealistic here—he was late in getting our management reports filed a few times. If you're interested in a deep dive on Ben's up's and down's (our first episode includes a break-up),