Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

Nuclear Hotseat #50 - May 29, 2012 - Radioactive Tuna



Michael Mariotte of on NRC evacuation zone radius and emergency exercises; Bluefin tuna caught off CA all found contaminated with Fukushima Cesium 134 & 137; Jaczko stands for safety as NRC rubberstamps Massachusetts' Pilgrim reactor for 20 more years; Canada reports 3 radioactive nuke leaks in just one month!; former Prime Minister Naoto Kan comes out strongly against nukes; Japan radiation still circling the globe, prevents TEPCO from even starting decommissioning work, mutating cedar seeds... but that doesn't stop the International Olympic Committee from implying that if Japan would only restart its nuke plants to guarantee electricity, it still might be chosen to host the 2020 Olympics. NUMNUTZ!