Murphy On Money

Ep17 - Chase FIRE - An Interview with Semi-Retired Chase



In this Episode of Murphy On Money Murphy has a discussion with Chase, a member of the FIRE community. Chase is actually semi-retired in his early 30s! Learn how Chase did it! PLUS Chase provides great tips and tricks for how you can too! Read more at: in this episode are the following resources: • Watch Chase on YouTubeo’s Tips! • Foodo (This site is good even if you're not a coupon clipper. Just select your favorite store, then go to Deals of the Week. The deals are ranked from highest savings to lowest savings. Or use Ctrl-F to search for "buy one get one" to find only the strongest deals)• Housingo The Marie Kondo show on Netflix is pretty solid for learning to organize stuff. More organized stuff = less square footage = lower housing expenses. Where I live rent is about $