Saas Breakthrough

How Hotjar Exploded Growth with Simple Acquisition Strategies to Go from Free Beta to €1 Million ARR in 6 Months



Meet Jon Malmberg , the Director of Growth and Demand Generation at Hotjar. In this podcast episode you'll hear exactly how Jon builds the marketing initiatives for a growing SaaS, including the steps to build the RIGHT marketing team at the RIGHT time. We'll go through his powerful strategies, starting with understanding the customer and the customer journey by learning what he's doing to get customers on a call to reach most important details from them. We also discuss the specific acquisition strategies that have taken them from 400K MRR when John joined to over 1 million MRR in just about a year a year and a half. 03:18 - Joining Hotjar Team 06:13 - First: Building a Marketing Team and Understanding the Customer Experience 08:15 - Talk About The Story or Benefits Not Features 11:57 - Improving User Overal Experience Using Feedback From Customers 13:39 - Acquisition Channels and Initiatives 14:42 - Frictionless Starts 15:69 - KPIs Jon Tracks 17:32 - Retention: More Educational Content and Training to Incr