Saas Breakthrough

How Buffer transformed their marketing early and become a brand authority with 1.5 million monthly uniques to their blog



Meet Kevan Lee, the Director of Marketing at Buffer, a social media management tool for brands, businesses, and marketers. In this podcast episode you'll hear the exact steps Kevan and his team took when they decided to pivot their blog's focus, how they set voice and tone in the content marketing and how they learned just how transformative that can be for marketing, for building a community and really getting the right people to look at your content. You'll find out about why content matters in 2018 specifically, and how they changed their blog to go from that 400,000 unique views to 1.5 million monthly uniques, which is one of the major, major traffic sources that they used to grow Buffer to the great company that it is. We also talk about which marketing experiments have worked, which failed, and where Kevan believes they are going in 2018 and beyond. 03:30 Why Working At Buffer Is Fun 04:53 From Content Writer to Director of Marketing In 4 Years 06:46 Pivoting The Entire Blog Focus To Social Media 09:44