Saas Breakthrough

How Groove is Redefining Their Content Strategy to Streamline Customer Acquisition Past 8000 Customers



Meet Andy Baldacci, the demand generation lead at Groove - the best help desk software for small businesses. With over 8,000 teams trusting Groove to help them manage online customer support, they are an amazing example of an industry leading SaaS. In this episode, Andy transparently shares where Groove is in their marketing after 3 years of growth. Groove actually pioneered the approach of SaaS transparency blogging, and with these stories their blog really took off. From the blog alone, their growth exploded using a combination of original content and with their founders' unique way to get influencers to share the content. You'll learn why Groove made the hard decision to end this technique. As well as how they are now strategically reviewing their new approach to content marketing and the lessons that they're taking from their first blog into the future. You'll hear about Groove's SEO strategy, how they are building separate content pillars and doing content marketing to attract their perfect target custo