This Pint Has 20 Ounces

22 - Mark Kondrat



Nick and Jonathan are joined today by returning guest Mark Kondrat! We chat with Mark about his podcast, Let’s Meet For A Beer, and dive into the history of the Alberta Beer Festivals team and how many of their current festivals came about. Mark claims to be a on trick pony with everything he does revolving around beer and his podcast is no exception. Meeting for a beer is the best way to take time out of your day and get to know someone, and Mark uses the Let’s Meet For A Beer podcast to interview people who’ve inspired him personally. His first interview took place in June of 2018 with Jim Button of Village Brewing who surprised him at the last minute with an extra guest - the President of Beer Canada! Since then Mark has released more than 30 episodes, pumping out a new release every single week, and many of his episodes have focused on destigmatizing mental health by talking with men and women willing to open up about their own struggles and sharing how they tackle those issues. We also take some time to