Saas Breakthrough

How Proposify Grew to $5.7 Million in ARR with an Aligned Content Strategy, SEO and Building a Sales Team



Meet Patrick Edmonds, the Chief Marketing Officer of Proposify, a web-based business proposal software company. Patrick has helped 3x Proposify’s customer base to over 7,000 customers and more than 5x the annual recurring revenue to over $5.5 Million in the last 2.5 years. In this episode, you'll hear how the two founders created Proposify out of their own frustration and why sometimes even with a growing company, you have to step back and rethink where you're going and if you need to change direction and with that your target persona. You'll find out about the hard parts of growing and changing your sales process kind of midstream while you were already growing, how to align messaging with both your current user audience and your up market audience and how to go from a no touch sales system to a sales team and the scaling process they went through in 2018. You'll also learn Patrick's B2B content strategies and SEO concepts to grow your SaaS. You'll want to take notes of the actionable ideas or hacks that you