Saas Breakthrough

How Talkpush is bringing innovation to the recruitment industry with Strategic Branding, ABM, and Live Events



Meet Pia Riquelme, the Head of Global Marketing at Talkpush, the first Conversational Recruitment Platform for high-volume hiring companies. In this episode, you'll hear how Talkpush found their perfect product-market fit with enterprise volume hiring companies. We don't often have in the podcast the bigger companies that are doing enterprise sales, so this is an interesting new conversation. You'll learn the brand questions you need your team to review when looking at strategic branding and brand positioning, how you craft thought leadership and a strategic brand position for long term sales cycles, what that actually means, what it looks like for their dedicated ABM team and the constant organization they create to nurture enterprise clients. And finally, you'll hear about how small events can become global thought leadership growth hacks. Enjoy! Notes: 03:00 Using AI Powered Bots to Automate Screening on High Volume Recruitment 06:50 Coming in to Help With Branding and Messaging 08:50 The Internal Benefit