Saas Breakthrough

How Caremerge Stands Out From The Competition Using Differentiation And B2B Facebook Advertising



Notes:- 02:50 Providing Technology Solutions To The Senior Living Industry- 05:10 Messaging Challenges When Product-market Fit Is On A Case-By-Case Basis- 06:40 Using A Spear Fishing Strategy First Then Casting A Wider Net- 08:20 Launching Quickly A Tool To Change The Negativity Going Around About Senior Living- 11:10 Elevating The Customer's Voice By Position Customers As The Thought Leaders  - 12:20 Building A Culture With A Consistent Message To The Team On Where The Focus Is- 14:00 Moving Fast And Putting The Clients First- 16:15 Testing Things And Validating Hypothesis in B2B Facebook Advertising- 18:40 Move Quickly, Test Things To Validate It Then Automate- 20:00 Creating And Testing 30 Different Creatives- 21:50 Best Advice For Someone Starting With B2B Facebook Advertising- 23:20 Test, Test, Test As Much As You Can To Get Data Points- 24:35 Real Numbers Will Make You More Successful Than Vanity Metrics- 26:25 Doing Things Differently And Differentiate Yourself- 29:10 Moving Offline Rapport Building To